I-134A, Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support
Kreyòl Ayisyen
Use this form to request to be a supporter and agree to provide financial support to a beneficiary and undergo background checks as part of Uniting for Ukraine; the Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans; or the family reunification parole processes. You must file a separate Form I-134A for each beneficiary you are requesting to support.
File Online
The Representative Account (for attorneys and accredited representatives) does not currently support filing of Form I-134A.

What This Form Can Help You Do
Uniting for Ukraine
Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans
Family Reunification Parole Processes
Form Details
The Form I-134A must be filed online.
File Online
We are only accepting filing of Form I-134A by individuals requesting to be a supporter and agreeing to undergo background checks to financially support a:
- Ukrainian or their immediate family member as part of Uniting for Ukraine;
- Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan or their immediate family member as part of the Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans; or
- Colombian, Cuban, Ecuadorian, Guatemalan, Haitian, Honduran or Salvadoran, or their immediate family member as part of the family reunification parole processes. Only individuals who received an invitation specifically inviting them to request to be a supporter and initiate the FRP process by filing Form I-134A may file. There is an invitation number listed in the invitation letter that each individual filing Form I-134A must provide or we will not confirm the Form I-134A and the FRP process will not move forward.
Supporters must be in the United States to file Form I-134A. Beneficiaries seeking parole under these processes may not file Form I-134A on their own behalf. Supporters must include the name of the beneficiary on Form I-134A.
Supporters must file a separate Form I-134A for each beneficiary they are planning to support, including children under the age of 18.
To be eligible for any of these processes, children under the age of 18 must be traveling to the United States in the care and legal custody of their parent or legal guardian and be able to provide documentation to confirm the relationship.
When submitting Form I-134A, you must establish that you have enough income and assets to maintain the intended beneficiary and the rest of your household. If you cannot establish that you can financially support the beneficiary, you may use a co-supporter. If you are filing Form I-134A with a co-supporter, they are subject to the same financial evidentiary requirements and should submit financial evidence such as bank statements, a letter from their employer, and income tax returns. A co-supporter does not have to be a family member and does not file their own Form I-134A, but they do have to demonstrate the ability to assist in supporting the beneficiary for the duration of the parole period. In this case, you will file the Form I-134A and include supplementary evidence demonstrating the identity of, and resources to be provided by, the co-supporter and attach a statement explaining the intent to share responsibility to support the beneficiary. We will assess the collective ability to support a beneficiary.